Teacher Update!

Hi Everyone! Thank you for following along on our adventures! After warming up to the program, the students have dedicated themselves to the task at hand. Namely, the study of immigration on the Texas/Mexico border and in the process, are having a lot of fun doing it. 

Luckily we have our phones on us and can document along the way! Here are some more photos to enjoy :)

- Mr. Nelson and Angela

Our hike on Tortugas Mountain Trail with a view of the Oregon Mountains

A very informative lecture on US Immigration policy with Professor Nicholas Natividad PhD at New Mexico State University.

"Who we let into the nation as immigrants and allow to become citizens defines who we are as a people. Who we ban from citizenship and membership in the community of citizens reveals how we imagine ourselves as a nation, how we imagine ourselves to be."
    - Leo Chavez, Latino Threat Narrative


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